Friday, February 22, 2013

Randomly Random & Easily Distracted!

Alright kittens! We're adding a new feature to the blog...Randomly Random and Easily Distracted. Basically all sorts of little random bits and what-nots ;)

So, what brought this around? Ice Cream. And not just any ice cream. This is like The Cherise Sinclair of Ice Cream. the Black Dagger Brotherhood if they came in frozen, creamy goodness. Every brilliant, hysterical Jill Shalvis moment condensed into a pint of absolute make you weak in the knees...perfection. 

Okay, so really it all started when I saw this man. 


Tonya Burrows:
"Tonight's writing fuel: B&J's coffee Heath bar crunch.
It's a thing of beauty, huh?"
Yall remember him, right? We were part of the cover reveal for this gorgeous bit of man a couple weeks back and I started following Tonya Burrows on Facebook because, well, I'm dying for this book. 

Now this woman. I've decided she's just a wee bit evil because the other night she shared this photo (over on the right ---> ) of this ice cream and dammit I had to have it.


At 930 PM. 

Off come the pjs. 

Racing to the car. 

Peeling out of the neighborhood and off to my local Kroger where I searched the ice cream coolers in a damn near panic because they never have what I'm looking for and I want this ice cream BAD. 

And there on the very last shelf. Pushed all the way over by itself
 is one glorious pint of Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream. 

Be still my heart. 

LOL Alright so like none of that was true. I was totally going to the grocery for bread and cheese already but damn if I didn't walk just a little quicker to get to that ice cream isle after finding this beautiful combination actually existed in the world. ::snort:: And really he was sitting off all by himself like the other ice creams were shunning him so I just HAD to bring him home. 

And Oh. My. God. People it is heavenly. 

Like the best damn Ben & Jerry's that's ever touched my tongue. Whoever thought it up was brilliant and needs a freaking raise! Or cookies. Cookies would be good too.

I swear I soooo didn't eat this all in once sitting. I'd never do such a thing. 
I'm a lady after all and only had a dainty little taste. And then put it promptly away.

Okay. Maybe a little more than a taste. 

Ah hell. I did. I really did eat it all in one sitting. Pretty much. And damn if I didn't enjoy every last coffee infused, heath bar crunch riddled magnificent bite of it. Seriously yall if you haven't already you need to hunt a pint of this down. Like yesterday. Favorite ice cream. Ever. 

So thank you Miss Tonya! And thank ya for letting me snag your photo up there :)
Yall if you'd like to follow Tonya you can find her all these places below. Maybe you'll find your next favorite...something!

Find Tonya here ----> Website  Twitter   Facebook   Goodreads

**UPDATE** Apparently my favorite ice cream is no more! B&J changed the ingredients and name to Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch. And it's...just not the same. *sobs* Now I have to find a new favorite Ice Cream. #Devastated.

Alright chickadees. I wanna hear from you! 

So which of yall have tried this one? 
What's YOUR downfall when it comes to ice cream?
Want to gush some more about Tonya's cover? Lord knows I never get tired of looking at him!

[oh and with these Randomly Random & Easily Distracted...yall are more than welcome to throw ideas my way for them. They'll be for random non-book reviews, events maybe, silly stuff like this. Eh. Who knows. But yall are welcome to join in and have fun with it too. ~Anna]

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