Woohoo!!! It's time for the Challenge!
Ladies this is where you'll link up your January reads.

This one is by VK Sykes (Vanessa Kelly with her husband)...
Happy Reading Ladies! Can't wait to see what yall are reading for the challenge :) Feel free to leave comments and chat about what you're reading, ask others for suggestions, etc. We want yall to have fun and enjoy the challenge so have at it :)
Want to know more about the Challenge??
~Read books with a hero/heroine that's into sports
~Review the book (on a blog or Goodreads)
~Link those reviews into our linky list each month
~and WIN prizes!!
The deets:
- If you'd like to join in the goal is to read at least 6 "Sports" Romances in 2013 but you can read as many as you'd like!
- Everyone's welcome to join! You either need to have a blog or Goodreads account to post your progress/reviews (both are FREE, if you need help setting up let me know)
- The challenge begins 1/1/2013 and ends 12/31/2013. Yall can join up any time though!
- There will be a post the 1st of each month here on herding cats & burning soup for you to link your reviews in for the the month.
- Books can be used in other challenges and ones in other challenges count here too as long as they're sports related!
- Reviews in languages other than English are fine :)
- You can participate each month or here and there :) Just have fun with it and stop by when you'd like!
- Feel free to grab our button and add it to your sign up posts, blogs, reviews, etc
The Books:
- The books don't have to be all about sports :)
- Just a hero/heroine that is an athlete
- Need some ideas? Check out these Goodreads lists...
- Can be ebook or print, Novella or full length, stand alone or part of a series, PNR/historical/contemporary, etc.
- The sports: Auto racing, baseball, football, hockey, soccer, running, biking, etc. They're all fair game :)
Challenge Levels:
- The Tailgater: 6 books
- Sports Lover: 12 books
- The Die-Hard Fan: 26 books
- Total sports nut! 52+ books
The Prizes:
- I think we'll do two giveaways (6 months, 12 months) with the event. Maybe 3 or 4. LOL
- Each valid review you link up will count as an entry in the giveaways!
- I'll have to let you know on prizes but they'll be books & swag from authors I meet this year!
To Sign Up:
- Head over to the SIGN UP page and enter your info.
- Make a post about joining the challenge on your blog (or if you don't have a blog on FB, etc)
- Let us know you're joining in!!
- You can join any time during 2013!
Got Questions? Let me know?
Month One Link Up...