Monday, June 11, 2012

Lucky in Love (Lucky Harbor #4) by Jill Shalvis

Mallory Quinn has had enough of playing it safe. As a nurse and devoted daughter, she takes care of everyone but herself. And as the local good girl, she's expected to date Mr. Right. But for once, she'd like to take a risk on Mr. Wrong. And who could be more wrong than Ty Garrison? The mysterious new guy in town has made it clear that he's only passing through, which suits Mallory just fine. Besides, his lean, hard body and sexy smile will give her plenty to remember once he's gone...

For the first time in his life, Ty can't bear to leave. Helping this sexy seductress-in-training walk on the wild side is making him desire things he shouldn't -- including leaving the military for good. As their just-for-fun fling becomes something more, Mallory and Ty wonder if they could really be this lucky in love. After all...anything can happen in a town called Lucky Harbor.

Type: Contemporary Romance
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 5 out of 5

Yeah. I'm loving this series. No question about that. Lucky in Love is book four in the Lucky Harbor series. I was really curious how the series was going to continue after all the main characters we'd met so far had found their HEA in the first 3 books. Shalvis handled it wonderfully, though, introducing 3 new heroines who bonded together during a sudden storm and created a Chocoholics group. Brilliant! I love that we'll have another group of tight knit girls that may drive each other a little crazy but give each other strength and support when they need it.

The "chocoholics" are determined to help nurse Mallory Quinn break out of the "good girl" persona she's so tired of and bring out her inner bad girl. Starting with landing some time with the town's "mystery cute guy" and former Navy SEAL Ty Garrison. I really liked these two as a couple. Their personalities and experiences worked so well together. And damn were these two hot and steamy together. Who knew giving in to her bad girl self and having an impulsive night with Ty would change their lives so drastically. Giving them each something they desperately needed. Someone who actually saw them and accepted them for who they were.
Silence reigned. Well, except for Mallory's thundering heartbeat. She was in an attic loft, flat beneath her Mr. Wrong. Her common sense was screaming flee! But her secret inner bad girl was screaming oh please can't we have him? Just once?
I quickly found myself feeling very protective over Mallory and more than once really wanted to just pinch the heck out of the citizens of Lucky Harbor and her family. For not being there for her, not really seeing her and just being a general pain in her hide. The town was it's usual self. The "residents tended to consider it a God-given right to gossip and nose into people’s business, and no one was exempt." But this time, man, it got my hackles up. Some fabulous writing there, right? Shalvis sure had me sucked in and feeling invested in Mallory and her life. She's an amazingly caring and determined woman struggling with frustration and feeling alone even though she's always surrounded by people. I think how the town treated her made me love Ty even more. That right from the start he really saw her and not just the caregiver in her. That he defended her and encouraged her and her passions in life. He's far from perfect and dealing with his own losses, pain and loneliness but gets drawn out of his shell by Mallory and damn if I wasn't  rooting like hell for him to break free from his past and let himself just be happy and content with where he was. 

Aaannnd swoon in 3...2...
"Mallory," he said, sounding raw and staggered and touched beyond words. "God, I was so stupid. So slow. I didn't know what to do with you. I tried to keep my distance but my world doesn't work without you in it."
One thing that's carried over book to book are the "character-ism". That's what I'm calling them anyways. The little blips that start each chapter. It's so fun to discover what's going to come next. What little tidbit of wisdom, silly or serious, we'll get. And when they all focus on chocolate? Purrrrrfection! My favorite this time around...."Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it I was my mouth out with chocolate." Hehe. Gotta love that!

While I did miss the sisters from the first three books and their delicious and oh-so-sexy men (they do get mentioned though) I'm well on my way to being smitten with this new group of women and their dreamy guys. I can't wait to hear all of their stories and get another dose of all the gossips in Lucky Harbor. If you like small town humor, heart-warming tales and a good bit of steam you really need to check out Lucky Harbor. Each book has been an absolute knock-out and left me ready to dig into the next book and get lost in the world of Lucky Harbor for just a little bit longer. 

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Have you read the Lucky Harbor series? Do you love the Chocoholics group as much as the sisters and their Inn? Were you loving Ty and his slightly damaged self?

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