Bailey is desperate to find the stash of money hidden by her conniving, thieving late husband —before the bad guys he owed find her. It's a long shot, but nothing compared to the gamble she's taking by being so close to Noah. Every minute in his company has Bailey thinking about doing crazy, reckless things like touching, grabbing, kissing...and oh wow, being kissed right back...
Type: Contemporary Romance
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 3 out of 5
This was my first Shalvis book and I think the first time I've read about pilots. It wasn't a bad read, exactly. I liked the set up of the series. Best friends who own their own private charter airline business. I really enjoyed Noah Fisher, the hero, and the guys who fly with him. How they interacted, teased, and really care about one another. And I loved Maddie, the woman behind the scenes of the company. I'm really looking forward to reading her story.
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 3 out of 5
This was my first Shalvis book and I think the first time I've read about pilots. It wasn't a bad read, exactly. I liked the set up of the series. Best friends who own their own private charter airline business. I really enjoyed Noah Fisher, the hero, and the guys who fly with him. How they interacted, teased, and really care about one another. And I loved Maddie, the woman behind the scenes of the company. I'm really looking forward to reading her story.
“Hey,” Shayne said through the door. “You going to stay in there all night, because we’re getting tired of trying to eavesdrop from out here. Can’t hear a damn thing.”
My favorite part of the book, by far, though, was Noah Fisher. He was a great hero and an overall good guy who won me over right away with his eating desserts first stance. He had a rough childhood but has really made something of himself. He cares about people, thinks very quickly on his feet and has some questionable skills he learned growing up that save the day on more than one occasion. He also has the patience of an absolute freaking saint to have dealt with Bailey for so damn long. I tried to like her. Really, really tried but as much as I tried she seemed determined to put just as much effort into being one of those too stupid to live heroines. She excelled at changing her fancy clothes and wearing high heels when running for her life, fretting over calories, falling apart under pressure, keeping the truth from Noah at every conceivable chance, and saying his name over and over. She loved to say his name. And getting completely hung up on topics when they were running from the bad guys and desperately needed to be quiet. Gak! More than once I just had to shake my head and ponder her intelligence. She just drove me up the flipping wall and kept this from being a truly enjoyable read.
“Honest to God, she was the noisiest woman he'd ever been shot at with.”I really liked the feel of Shalvis' writing. It was comfortable and easy even if the suspense itself wasn't all that exciting and tended to be a bit on the outrageous side. She did a great job giving glimpses into the secondary characters and getting me interested in their stories. Other than the heroine and her charming self this was a decent read and start to the series. I just hope her other heroines are a bit more, well, likable.
Ever want to just pinch one of your main characters?