Friday, March 30, 2012

Deliver Me From Darkness (Paladin Warriors #1) by Tes Hilaire


He had once been a warrior of the Light, one of the revered Paladin. A protector. But now he lives in darkness, and the shadows are his sanctuary. Every day is a struggle to overcome the bloodlust. Especially the day Karissa shows up at his doorstep.


She is light and bright and everything beautiful—despite her scratches and torn clothes. Every creature of the night is after her. So is every male Paladin. Because Karissa is the last female of their kind. But she is his. He may not have a soul, but he can't deny his heart.

Type: Paranormal Romance, Paladin, Vampires
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5

Deliver Me From Darkness is the first book of debut author Tes Hilaire's Paladin Warriors series.  And what a great start! Characters that may not be perfect but that you can be proud of. That have honor and strength. A tale of good versus evil and how the lines aren't always so clear cut. Surprising twists and a fantastic ending that had me biting my lip and my hands sweating I was so nervous one of the characters I'd grown to love might not make it. Writing that's easy and comfortable. Ahhh and a hero named Roland! I don't know why it gets me but I just love it! It's like Jo Davis' hero named Howard. Always cracks me up and Lord help me makes me giggle. But the Howards and Rolands of the world need love too, right? Well, I loved Roland from page one.  I enjoyed Karissa and Roland as individuals and a couple. The whole start to the book when his well organized and simple life is getting thrown all to bits with the arrival of an unconscious Karissa kept a smile on my face. She really did a number on him, poor guy never had a chance. Roland's a little growly and grumbly. Struggling with his inner demons and being a fallen Paladin. It broke my heart that he couldn't see all the good in himself. Karissa's got a good bit of sass in her. She doesn't just lie down and take it but fights back with everything she has when she thinks she's in danger. I liked the back and forth between the two of them from the start and enjoyed how their relationship and bond progressed through the story. It never seemed rushed or forced and just felt right. 

The secondary characters were very nicely done as well and left me excited for the books to come. I can't wait to read about Logan, Alexander, Valin and Gabriella. Each of them a little more than what was expected of them. Men and women that decided to make their own decisions and do what they thought was right even if it went against the rules and would likely cause them trouble. And how could you not love a vegan vampire? Yes, I'm just a little smitten with Gabriella and I hope we see more of her. I was jumping online as soon as I finished Deliver Me From Darkness to see who book two was about. Crossing my fingers and going "please be about Alexander, come on Alexander!". Even though he didn't have a huge role I just loved him. I'm looking forward to reading more from Hilaire and really hope Alex gets his own book one day.

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